7th ERA WORKSHOP in Budapest
New developments in the European railway safety and interoperability

We are pleased to invite you to the
7th ERA workshop in Budapest
taking place on 2 October 2019. The workshop is organised by NSA HU in cooperation with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (hereinafter BME), supported by ERA.
New developments in the European railway safety and interoperability
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Central building (K) (Műegyetem rakpart 3., H-1111 Budapest)
By Budapest public transport:
M4 subway: Szent Gellért tér
Tram 4, 6: Petőfi híd, budai hídfő (Petőfi bridge, Buda abutment at Goldmann György square)
Tram 19, 41, 47, 49, 56, 56A: Szent Gellért tér
Bus 153, 212: Petőfi híd, budai hídfő (Petőfi bridge, Buda abutment at Goldmann György square)
Bus 7, 86, 133, 907E, 973E: Szent Gellért tér
From highways by vehicle:
M1 (E60, E75), M7 (E71): M1-M7 - Budaörsi út - Nagyszőlős u. - Bocskai út - Október 23. u. - Irinyi József u. - Műegyetem rakpart
M3 (E71): M3 - Hungária körút - Könyves Kálmán körút - Lágymányosi híd - Pázmány Péter sétány - Műegyetem rakpart
M5 (E75): M5 - Nagykőrösi út - Gyáli út - Könyves Kálmán körút - Lágymányosi híd - Pázmány Péter sétány - Műegyetem rakpart
The registration starts at 8.00 hours. The WS starts at 8:40 hours and ends not later than 17:00 hours
The workshop starts with a plenary session in the ceremonial hall. In the afternoon the workshop continues with 3 sessions.
The language of the WS is English and Hungarian with synchronous interpretation.
The agenda can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking here.
After having uploaded (ca. middle of October 2019)
you can download the presentations from here.

The participation int he WS is free, but in common with other similar events organized by NSAs or ERA the NSA HU is not int he position to offer reimbursement of travel or hotel costs; these have be borne by the participants themselves.
Please note, that you should fill in the registration form!
We are able to accept the registrations until the limit of the capacity of the conference rooms.
Register now! Reserve your seat at the event!
Application deadline: 20. september
Pre-registration is closed, but on-site registration is still possible in the morning of event day, so everyone is invited!
Yours sincerely:
Tamás Alscher
head of NSA HU
Thank you for your interest in registering our event!